Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Pometek will endeavour to achieve its vision by continually upgrading its core competence and brand recognition to achieve enhanced levels of profitable growth in the core business with a judicious mix of indigenous research & development, technology import, promoting team spirit, entrepreneurship among its all employees & business partners and diversify into new areas that compliment and supplement the core business, with the diversification aimed at achieving excellence and industry leader status in the new areas in order to and add economic value to its all stakeholders of the company.

Our Vision

Mission & VisionTo be recognized as a globally respected & most successful information and knowledge based services enterprise that provides innovative, effective & customized business solutions & enhancements to our clients and business partners, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people; to be highly professional, innovative & profitable enterprise with customer, employee & shareholder interests as the core of its operations; demonstrating a clear concern for ethical conduct with a sense of corporate social responsibility leverage